Consumer engagement


Besides providing traceability and brand protection, connecting your products digitally to the web opens up your brand to unprecedented marketing and brand loyalty possibilities as well as creating an unrivaled line of communication with your customers.

Increased mobile consumer engagement, like package scans and dwell time on mobile pages, provided through connected packaging, is proven to be followed by an increase in the same product's sales. Creating the most engaging front-end mobile experiences possible will increase the conversion rate, hence being the goal of more and more brand owners and marketing departments.


Consumer Engagement Solutions


Markem-Imaje's consumer engagement solution


Our unique back-end IoT solution connects Industrial Software Systems, ERP, CRM, coupon, and loyalty programs through integrated Web Services to brand owners and external mobile consumer experiences for monitoring and presenting intuitive internal data/KPI and business processes dashboards. By transforming products into information sources, we enable end-to-end traceability and supply chain transparency with a toolbox for effectively measuring mobile campaigns and gaining consumer behavioral insights, helping brands worldwide to increase sales!




  • Powerful IoT solution that connects Industrial Software Systems, ERP, CRM, CMS, PIM, coupon, and loyalty programs through Web Services integration.
  • Easily build mobile experiences that work across devices without writing a single line of code.
  • Smart logic to deliver content based on consumer, product, location, time, device, and more.
  • Authentication and Tamper-Detection to give consumers confidence and peace of mind.
  • Real-time data insights on your products enable visibility over your products before and after purchase.
  • Seamless integration with your existing website and native apps and the possibility to capture leads and registrations across sales channels and directly to your CRM.
  • Hassle-free and unlimited external data management and assistance with any area of data analysis.




  • Improved brand loyalty and build awareness from the ability to inform, tailor content, and interact with customers.
  • The possibility to increase brand transparency with the provision of product ingredient information, proof of provenance, and sustainability, all in demand by customers.
  • The ability to act as a further point of sale for other products, and accessories or to upsell for both customers and in-store associates.
  • Ability to “know” your customer and all their touch-points, preferences, and purchasing habits.
  • Freeing up more of your product packaging enables more room for design.


Read what our customers say about our software solutions.


Food traceability @ Nutrition & Santé
Nutrition & Santé | The demand for perfection
Nutrition & Santé has stepped up its traceability needs to deliver “zero marking error” products. Markem-Imaje provided the solution with its Mark & Read system to achieve it.
Food traceability @ Noberasco
Noberasco | At the heart of innovation
At the leading-edge in products and processes, Noberasco has chosen Markem-Imaje as its printing partner to ensure long term quality and reliability.
Cable coding @ Nexans
Nexans | Cutting-edge technologies
To mark the 200,000 kilometers of cables manufactured per year, the Nexans production site in Bohain (France) uses inkjet printers with special inks, designed for marking cables.
Food traceability @ Sabarot Wassner
Sabarot Wassner | When tradition meets modernity
Save time, reduce the risk of errors, clearly identify products and guarantee technical
reliability: these were the specifications defined by Sabarot for its identification


Toepfer Babywelt CIJ Coding Markem-Imaje
Andreas Wehl – Head of Packaging Innovation and Cosmetics @ Töpfer

“In conjunction with our system, we ensure that we can send brand, item number, batch number, and more to our marking systems without errors.

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IMA Ilapak Film Coding Markem-Imaje
Andrea Boccolini – VFFS Technical Sales Support Manager @ IMA Ilapak

“Our machines are exported around the globe: IMA IIapak has always found Markem-Imaje to be an excellent partner capable of supporting our clients in every part of the world with widespread support and prompt service in the supply of spare parts”.

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Bioplants Hot Melt Coding Cardboard Markem-Imaje
Xavier Bossard – Operations, Digital and Logistics Project Manager at Bioplants @ Bioplants

“The Markem-Imaje solution proposed to Bioplants was interesting because we could choose the criteria we needed: Before that, we were using a labeler, so one consumable item was created every time we labeled a package. Today we use hot melt ink directly projected on the cardboard allows us to add traceability to the packages, which we did not have before.”
#TouchDry #HighResolutionInkjet

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Mebra Plastik Software CoLOS Markem-Imaje
Nicola Marchesin – IT Manager @ Mebra Plastik

“This (CoLOS) has allowed us to be much more efficient, reducing line equipment times and making it possible to implement new solutions such as automated metrics, fewer ink types, and less waste thanks to more ecological containers and less energy consumption.”
#CoLOS #SoftwareSolutions

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